23-year-old man spends free time inspecting public toilets in S'pore

He has inspected over 100 public toilets over 5 years.

Sulaiman Daud | March 29, 2019, 11:55 AM

The endeavour to keep Singapore's public toilets clean has found a dedicated volunteer.

Volunteer Derek Cheung

On March 25, the Singapore Kindness Movement shared a Facebook video featuring 23-year-old Derek Cheung, who spends his free time inspecting the public toilets of Singapore.

Screen shot from Singapore Kindness Movement's video.

Cheung said: "My friends know that I actively volunteer, but when they find out that I conduct public restroom checks, they are quite surprised."

Cleaned toilets in NS

Cheung revealed what motivated him to sign up.

During National Service, he was tasked to clean toilets, and got intimately acquainted with bad bathroom habits.

This led him to join the volunteer movement of the Restroom Association of Singapore in a bid to change things for the better.

Every last detail

In the video, Cheung described what he looks out for when inspecting toilets:

  • Clean toilet entrance.
  • Functional taps.
  • Strong dryers, which encourage people not to flick water on the floor.

But that's not all.

Cheung also does a thorough check of the cubicle itself, making sure the locks, the paper dispenser, the flush and the bowl are all shipshape.

In five years, over 100 public toilets have been subjected to his watchful eye.

Screen shot from Singapore Kindness Movement's video.

Cheung has a simple philosophy -- treat public toilets as you would in your own home, and this will encourage people to keep them clean.

"If we wouldn't dirty our homes, we shouldn't do it outside," said Cheung.

Not all heroes wear capes.

You can see the video below:

Top image from Singapore Kindness Movement's video.